Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Trusted Authority as a ?______ Fitness Nurse? - Certified Fitness ...

Over the past 7-8 months I?ve been listening to Greg Hasbritt.? He has a program called, ?Become the Trusted Authority in Your Market?.? While listening to him and reading his blog, he kept saying the same things over and over again.? He mentioned people like Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, etc.? Too many to list, who either dropped out of university or weren?t very good in their field when they started.? This is what he said?

?You only need?3 things to be the trusted authority in your market?

  1. Call yourself by what you provide???? and
  2. You need to demonstrate a core competency?? and
  3. You need to be authentic and committed to serving others and connect with your clients.

I?ve talked to so many nurses who want to start a fitness nursing business and many want to ?jump in?.? Enthusiasm is great but what is most important is that you realize that you are entering a business and you are attempting to serve a market, a target market or niche.? Saying that? this means that you, are for the most part, serving the public (even if you serve the physician as a client and get referrals that way, they appreciate the clarity, not so much the alphabet soup)? as nurses we have to separate our ?initials?, credentials, all of that ?years of experience? that we hold so dear from what is needed, wanted and understood by the market you want to serve.

When I read nursing publications, some of the initials behind the names are 2 lines long.? This is a marketing disaster if you want to compete in the business world (especially with personal trainers and other fitness professionals).? That segment of professionals learned a long time ago that all they have to do is produce results and viola!? they?re in business.? If someone finds a trainer that they like, gets results and they have questions about nutrition, do you think they (the client) is going to go find a R.D., even with a Ph.D; when they can ask Joe trainer, who they are already with, about their nutritional needs.? They know, like and trust Joe trainer, even though?he just has a weekend certification and less than 3 years working as a personal trainer (and?he probably looks good too, but not necessarily).? People pay for what they want and what they understand and who they trust.? Initials, no matter how savvy and credible,?don?t entitle you to the sale within a market.?(Maybe within a stuffy nursing education function)?Remember, if you don?t have any sales, you don?t have a business.

Naploeon Hill said it best, ?General knowledge, no matter how great in quantity or variety, it may be of little use in the accumulation of money?.? All successful people have/ had?at least?2 things needed (above)?to become a trusted authority in their market, not necessarily degrees and years of experience in a particular field.?


It?s not to say that college and training is not necessary, it can be part of your core competence.? But when I talk to nurses who have so much education and years of experience and then tell them that?they should call their self a ?Diabetic Fitness Nurse?, instead of ?Jane Smith, RN, CPT, CCRN, Zumba Instructor?, their immediate response is, ?But I want people to know my credentials?.? Ready here it is? I had to learn the hard way too?


People don?t care about your credentials.?


In business and the marketplace, they care about results and solving their problem that?s keeping them up at night.? Caring about your credentials is all about you, not your client.? If you want to compete in the market place in a very competitive area (health & fitness), you have to learn to communicate what you do easily and what transformation will result after working with you in all of your marketing (talking to people and in print)

On the fitnessnursing.com website, I show you all of my business cards that I?ve used over the years.? ALL of them had my name and alphabet soup and titles galore.? No mas!? Today if people ask me what I do, I say, ?I am the Promoter of?Fitness Nursing?.? That?s it.? Almost always gets a response for more information.?

Now before?you get upset and write me back?with an air of ?how dare you?, in future e-mails??I do believe and understand that the?correspondence within the nursing world of credentialing, it?s fine to put your earned degrees and titles behind your name.? But to somebody?s ?Aunt Mary? who?s prediabetic, wanting to exercise but needs to be assessed, she just wants to know that you care, you?re competent and you?re going to solve her problem.? She will pay you for that.? Period.

Have a quiet, yet strong inner?confidence that you know your shit.? Remember you?re marketing to the public; not other nurses in academia.? Don?t use your credentials as a reason to NOT move forward and get training on starting/building your business that?s not taught in a lecture hall.?

Please, please, please start working on a name as a(n) ?______ Fitness Nurse? that everyone can appreciate and understand.?? This also helps your ?ideal clients? find you.? Your ideal clients will then get excited about what you are going to do for them.? Eventually your brilliance will become evident, you don?t have to throw?up on people with everything about you.? Afterall, these clients just want to move and lose their gut and stabilize their blood sugars.? Be about service; not about entitlement and you will attract people easily.

Any comments?? Let me know what you think?

More about this tomorrow night:???How to Get the 3 Things Needed to Become a Trusted Authority in Your Fitness Nursing Practice/Business?
Tuesday, March 10, 2012,
7pm EST/4pm PST.
http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=28111386?for webinar/slides
Phone number:? (201) 793-0051
access code:? 704896#
Mark you calender today!

Yours in Fitness & Nursing,
(732) 620-2193

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